Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Print Elective, Defining Space!!

To start off the new brief I wanted to look at spaces created by temporary structures in architecture like scaffolding. Going around Limerick I photographed alot of the unfinished buildings left to deteriorate, so looking at how the buildings themselves are unfinished and because of this are just as temporary. I wanted to compare and contrast this idea to the temporary structures of the slums in India and the favelas in Brazil. Ironically these shanty towns are probably more long term then the buildings that are left to deteriorate in our culture today.



 These prints have about 5 layers, layering the rough sketch etching of the bamboo scaffolding with the structured etching of the steel scaffolding. I wanted to layer them to get depth and that overcrowded chaotic feel!

      A quick painting i did trying to get the colour and layers that you see when looking at pictures of slums. abouve is the first monoprint i did of the slums.


I then worked back into my monoprints with my drypoints.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Sound & Video Transparency

The video illustrates the tension and conflict that can arise in the mind. There is free flowing movement in contrast with more tense agitated movement as the video progresses. The objecs and shadows are like our emotions and thoughts projeced onto the screen. Sometimes they move freely, there is ease and transparency, in contrast other times the shapes and shadows become denser & darker, there is less transparency. The important thing is there is an underlying light from the spotlights always there, so HAPPY NEW YEAR!